idl compiler options
2010-07-08 13:36:51 UTC
I want to do my first steps with mico. The goal is to request a EJB-bean in a glassfish server.
I created the IDL-files from my Bean-Class an my remote interface with:
rmic -idl ...
As a result I got a bunch of IDL files in subdirectories:
***@porschberg:~/idl> find . -name "*.idl"

How do I compile these files with $MICO_HOME/idl/idl ?
A simple:
***@porschberg:/opt/workarea/mico/glassfish> idl ./de/otto/cobra/business/TraceEJBRemote.idl
./de/otto/cobra/business/TraceEJBRemote.idl:50: orb.idl: No such file or directory
./de/otto/cobra/business/TraceEJBRemote.idl:79: java/lang/Long.idl: No such file or directory
./de/otto/cobra/business/TraceEJBRemote.idl:80: java/util/List.idl: No such file or directory
./de/otto/cobra/business/TraceEJBRemote.idl:81: de/otto/cobra/model/Trace.idl: No such file or directory
I see that idl-program has a lot of options but I found no documentation. Can someone help?
Best regards
Zoltan Bordas
2010-07-08 14:42:55 UTC
In most cases you do not need to use the more convoluted arguments. Start with something simple like:

idl -I. –I<some path>/include -DMICO --any --typecode --no-poa --c++-suffix cpp CosCollection.idl

Which will:

- Generate the stubs for the CosCollection.idl file.

- Will use . and <some path>/include as include paths for finding included IDL files.

- Will define the “MICO” define while compiling the IDLs. For:

#ifdef MICO

#include <mico/ir.idl>



- Will include the conversion operators to and from “anys” in the generated files:

void operator<<=( CORBA::Any &a, const CosCollection::PriorityQueueFactory_ptr obj );

- Will include the typecode constants in the generated files.

- Will *NOT* include the stubs needed for server implementation, client call only (--no-poa).

- Will use “cpp” as the extension of the C++ file (I think the default is “cc”).

I hope it helps to make the initial steps.

Zoltan Bordas
Senior Software Engineer
OpenSpirit Corporation
+1 281.295.1426 direct
+1 281.295.1401 fax

From: ***@randspringer.de [mailto:***@randspringer.de]
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 8:37 AM
To: mico-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [mico-devel] idl compiler options


I want to do my first steps with mico. The goal is to request a EJB-bean in a glassfish server.

I created the IDL-files from my Bean-Class an my remote interface with:

rmic -idl ...

As a result I got a bunch of IDL files in subdirectories:

***@porschberg:~/idl> find . -name "*.idl"


How do I compile these files with $MICO_HOME/idl/idl ?

A simple:

***@porschberg:/opt/workarea/mico/glassfish> idl ./de/otto/cobra/business/TraceEJBRemote.idl
./de/otto/cobra/business/TraceEJBRemote.idl:50: orb.idl: No such file or directory
./de/otto/cobra/business/TraceEJBRemote.idl:79: java/lang/Long.idl: No such file or directory
./de/otto/cobra/business/TraceEJBRemote.idl:80: java/util/List.idl: No such file or directory
./de/otto/cobra/business/TraceEJBRemote.idl:81: de/otto/cobra/model/Trace.idl: No such file or directory

I see that idl-program has a lot of options but I found no documentation. Can someone help?

Best regards

2010-07-09 06:51:32 UTC
Hi Zoltan,
thank you for you answer but now I get a segmentation fault when I call:
***@porschberg:/opt/workarea/mico/glassfish> idl -I. -I$MICO_HOME/include/mico -I$MICO_HOME/include -DMICO --any --typecode --no-poa --c++-suffix cpp ./de/otto/cobra/business/TraceEJBRemote.idl
***@porschberg:/opt/workarea/mico/glassfish> idl --version
MICO Version 2.3.13

***@porschberg:/opt/workarea/mico/glassfish> echo $PATH
/opt/workarea/mico/cpp:/opt/workarea/mico/idl:<other PATHs>
***@porschberg:/opt/workarea/mico/glassfish> echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
de/otto/cobra/business/TraceEJBRemote.idl -->
Post by Zoltan Bordas
 * de/otto/cobra/business/TraceEJBRemote.idl
 * Generated by rmic -idl. Do not edit
 * Donnerstag, 8. Juli 2010 13:46 Uhr MESZ

#ifndef __java_lang_Long__

module java {
module lang {

    valuetype _Long;



#ifndef __java_util_List__

module java {
module util {

    abstract valuetype List;



#ifndef __de_otto_cobra_model_Trace__

module de {
module otto {
module cobra {
module model {

    valuetype Trace;



#include "orb.idl"

#ifndef __de_otto_cobra_business_TraceEJBRemote__
#define __de_otto_cobra_business_TraceEJBRemote__
module de {
module otto {
module cobra {
module business {

    abstract valuetype TraceEJBRemote {
        ::java::util::List findTracesOfDay(
            in octet arg0 );
        ::de::otto::cobra::model::Trace findTraceById(
            in ::java::lang::_Long arg0 );
        ::de::otto::cobra::model::Trace createTrace(
            in ::de::otto::cobra::model::Trace arg0 );
        ::de::otto::cobra::model::Trace updateTrace(
            in ::de::otto::cobra::model::Trace arg0 );


#include "java/lang/Long.idl"
#include "java/util/List.idl"
#include "de/otto/cobra/model/Trace.idl"
Post by Zoltan Bordas
I compiled mico by myself on my Linux box. What should be the "best" configure-parameters?
Best regards,
Post by Zoltan Bordas
idl -I. –I<some path>/include -DMICO --any --typecode --no-poa --c++-suffix cpp CosCollection.idl
-          Generate the stubs for the CosCollection.idl file.
-          Will use . and <some path>/include as include paths for finding included IDL files.
#ifdef MICO
#include <mico/ir.idl>

void operator<<=( CORBA::Any &a, const CosCollection::PriorityQueueFactory_ptr obj );
-          Will include the typecode constants in the generated files.
-          Will *NOT* include the stubs needed for server implementation, client call only (--no-poa).
-          Will use “cpp” as the extension of the C++ file (I think the default is “cc”).
I hope it helps to make the initial steps.
Zoltan Bordas
Senior Software Engineer
OpenSpirit Corporation
+1 281.295.1426 direct
+1 281.295.1401 fax
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 8:37 AM
Subject: [mico-devel] idl compiler options
I want to do my first steps with mico. The goal is to request a EJB-bean in a glassfish server.
rmic -idl ...
How do I compile these files with $MICO_HOME/idl/idl ?
./de/otto/cobra/business/TraceEJBRemote.idl:50: orb.idl: No such file or directory
./de/otto/cobra/business/TraceEJBRemote.idl:79: java/lang/Long.idl: No such file or directory
./de/otto/cobra/business/TraceEJBRemote.idl:80: java/util/List.idl: No such file or directory
./de/otto/cobra/business/TraceEJBRemote.idl:81: de/otto/cobra/model/Trace.idl: No such file or directory
I see that idl-program has a lot of options but I found no documentation. Can someone help?
Best regards
2010-07-12 07:20:59 UTC
I uploaded the idl-files to
Maybe someone is interested in looking inside this segmentation fault.
Post by i***@randspringer.de
Hi Zoltan,
MICO Version 2.3.13
/opt/workarea/mico/cpp:/opt/workarea/mico/idl:<other PATHs>
de/otto/cobra/business/TraceEJBRemote.idl -->
Post by Zoltan Bordas
 * de/otto/cobra/business/TraceEJBRemote.idl
 * Generated by rmic -idl. Do not edit
 * Donnerstag, 8. Juli 2010 13:46 Uhr MESZ
#ifndef __java_lang_Long__
module java {
module lang {
    valuetype _Long;
#ifndef __java_util_List__
module java {
module util {
    abstract valuetype List;
#ifndef __de_otto_cobra_model_Trace__
module de {
module otto {
module cobra {
module model {
    valuetype Trace;
#include "orb.idl"
#ifndef __de_otto_cobra_business_TraceEJBRemote__
#define __de_otto_cobra_business_TraceEJBRemote__
module de {
module otto {
module cobra {
module business {
    abstract valuetype TraceEJBRemote {
        ::java::util::List findTracesOfDay(
            in octet arg0 );
        ::de::otto::cobra::model::Trace findTraceById(
            in ::java::lang::_Long arg0 );
        ::de::otto::cobra::model::Trace createTrace(
            in ::de::otto::cobra::model::Trace arg0 );
        ::de::otto::cobra::model::Trace updateTrace(
            in ::de::otto::cobra::model::Trace arg0 );
#include "java/lang/Long.idl"
#include "java/util/List.idl"
#include "de/otto/cobra/model/Trace.idl"
Post by Zoltan Bordas
I compiled mico by myself on my Linux box. What should be the "best" configure-parameters?
Best regards,
Post by Zoltan Bordas
idl -I. –I<some path>/include -DMICO --any --typecode --no-poa --c++-suffix cpp CosCollection.idl
-          Generate the stubs for the CosCollection.idl file.
-          Will use . and <some path>/include as include paths for finding included IDL files.
#ifdef MICO
#include <mico/ir.idl>

void operator<<=( CORBA::Any &a, const CosCollection::PriorityQueueFactory_ptr obj );
-          Will include the typecode constants in the generated files.
-          Will *NOT* include the stubs needed for server implementation, client call only (--no-poa).
-          Will use “cpp” as the extension of the C++ file (I think the default is “cc”).
I hope it helps to make the initial steps.
Zoltan Bordas
Senior Software Engineer
OpenSpirit Corporation
+1 281.295.1426 direct
+1 281.295.1401 fax
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 8:37 AM
Subject: [mico-devel] idl compiler options
I want to do my first steps with mico. The goal is to request a EJB-bean in a glassfish server.
rmic -idl ...
How do I compile these files with $MICO_HOME/idl/idl ?
./de/otto/cobra/business/TraceEJBRemote.idl:50: orb.idl: No such file or directory
./de/otto/cobra/business/TraceEJBRemote.idl:79: java/lang/Long.idl: No such file or directory
./de/otto/cobra/business/TraceEJBRemote.idl:80: java/util/List.idl: No such file or directory
./de/otto/cobra/business/TraceEJBRemote.idl:81: de/otto/cobra/model/Trace.idl: No such file or directory
I see that idl-program has a lot of options but I found no documentation. Can someone help?
Best regards
Karel Gardas
2010-07-31 21:52:04 UTC
Hello Thomas,

when dealing with segfaults it would be great if you post also your
crash stack trace. You can obtain it from your core file (if it's not
generated then enable core file generation by using ulimit) and using
gdb `which idl` <core file name>

The trace will not be accurate if you have not recompiled with debugging
enabled (i.e. --disable-optimize --enable-debug) but still may suggest

Post by i***@randspringer.de
I uploaded the idl-files to
Maybe someone is interested in looking inside this segmentation fault.
Post by i***@randspringer.de
Hi Zoltan,
MICO Version 2.3.13
/opt/workarea/mico/cpp:/opt/workarea/mico/idl:<other PATHs>
de/otto/cobra/business/TraceEJBRemote.idl -->
* de/otto/cobra/business/TraceEJBRemote.idl
* Generated by rmic -idl. Do not edit
* Donnerstag, 8. Juli 2010 13:46 Uhr MESZ
#ifndef __java_lang_Long__
module java {
module lang {
valuetype _Long;
#ifndef __java_util_List__
module java {
module util {
abstract valuetype List;
#ifndef __de_otto_cobra_model_Trace__
module de {
module otto {
module cobra {
module model {
valuetype Trace;
#include "orb.idl"
#ifndef __de_otto_cobra_business_TraceEJBRemote__
#define __de_otto_cobra_business_TraceEJBRemote__
module de {
module otto {
module cobra {
module business {
abstract valuetype TraceEJBRemote {
::java::util::List findTracesOfDay(
in octet arg0 );
::de::otto::cobra::model::Trace findTraceById(
in ::java::lang::_Long arg0 );
::de::otto::cobra::model::Trace createTrace(
in ::de::otto::cobra::model::Trace arg0 );
::de::otto::cobra::model::Trace updateTrace(
in ::de::otto::cobra::model::Trace arg0 );
#include "java/lang/Long.idl"
#include "java/util/List.idl"
#include "de/otto/cobra/model/Trace.idl"
I compiled mico by myself on my Linux box. What should be the "best" configure-parameters?
Best regards,
idl -I. –I<some path>/include -DMICO --any --typecode --no-poa --c++-suffix cpp CosCollection.idl
- Generate the stubs for the CosCollection.idl file.
- Will use . and <some path>/include as include paths for finding included IDL files.
#ifdef MICO
#include <mico/ir.idl>
… expressions.
void operator<<=( CORBA::Any &a, const CosCollection::PriorityQueueFactory_ptr obj );
- Will include the typecode constants in the generated files.
- Will *NOT* include the stubs needed for server implementation, client call only (--no-poa).
- Will use “cpp” as the extension of the C++ file (I think the default is “cc”).
I hope it helps to make the initial steps.
Zoltan Bordas
Senior Software Engineer
OpenSpirit Corporation
+1 281.295.1426 direct
+1 281.295.1401 fax
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 8:37 AM
Subject: [mico-devel] idl compiler options
I want to do my first steps with mico. The goal is to request a EJB-bean in a glassfish server.
rmic -idl ...
How do I compile these files with $MICO_HOME/idl/idl ?
./de/otto/cobra/business/TraceEJBRemote.idl:50: orb.idl: No such file or directory
./de/otto/cobra/business/TraceEJBRemote.idl:79: java/lang/Long.idl: No such file or directory
./de/otto/cobra/business/TraceEJBRemote.idl:80: java/util/List.idl: No such file or directory
./de/otto/cobra/business/TraceEJBRemote.idl:81: de/otto/cobra/model/Trace.idl: No such file or directory
I see that idl-program has a lot of options but I found no documentation. Can someone help?
Best regards
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Karel Gardas ***@objectsecurity.com
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