Included headers in auto generated implementation headers
Claudio A. Costagliola Fiedler
2009-07-23 17:22:29 UTC
Hello all,

I'm using MICO version 2.3.13. I have some idl files with declarations for
interfaces which inherit from other interfaces from other idl files. The c++
code of this interfaces is generated with the following line:
idl --use-quotes --c++-impl <ifname>.idl

The generated implementation header file, i.e., <ifname>_impl.h, doesn't
include the header files of the implementations of the interfaces this
interface inherit from. So, when I compile my sources, the symbols for the
inherited interfaces aren't found.

I have solved the problem including the right files by my self, but I think
maybe I'm missing some step or some option in the idl tool. Or maybe this is
a bug.

By the way, I'm using Solaris 8 and the "Sun C++ 5.8 Patch 121017-16
2008/06/25" compiler.

Claudio A. Costagliola Fiedler